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Francesco B. Auteur Compositeur Interprète. 

Il ne faut pas longtemps pour être conquis par Francesco B. On est vite embarqué dans son univers musical. Francesco B a un sens incontestable du swing. Sa voix est impressionnante, séduisante, puissante, pouvant aussi atteindre parfois des  sonorités sensuelles - à écouter sa reprise de Fly me to the moon. Impeccable. Frank Sinatra aurait certainement été séduit par cette version -


Derrière, on sent le plaisir de jouer. Entre la voix et les musiciens l’accord est parfait. En effet, Francesco B  s’offre une suite orchestrale grand luxe dont on ne peut dire que du bien. La construction musicale fait merveille. Des arrangements sur mesure, une rythmique vigoureuse. Une très belle réussite pour un ensemble qui  fonctionne à fond.

A n’en pas douter, Francesco mérite la plus prestigieuse des récompenses, celle du public


 Christian MAZET

Directeur du festival de jazz AUTRANS - VILLARD DE LANS

6 July 2016

On Francesco B. Songwriter, Composer, Performer.

It doesn't take long to be conquered by Francesco B. One is quickly swept into his musical universe. Francesco B has an undeniable sense of swing. His voice is impressive, seductive, powerful, and can at times reach sensual  tones - when listening to his interpretation of Fly me to the moon. Impeccable. Frank Sinatra would certainly have been seduced by this version-


Behind all this one feells the pleasure of performing. Between the voice and the musicians the understanding is perfect. In fact Francesco B.  has availed himself of a luxurious orchestral suite of which one can oinly say good things. Musical construction is marvellous. Taylor-made arrangements, a powerful rythmic section. A great success for a team that works perfectly well together.


Without any doubt Francesco B. deserves the most prestigious of recognitions, that from the public.


 Christian MAZET

Director of the jazz festival of AUTRANS - VILLARD DE LANS

(Translated by Bernadette Beltran)

6 July 2016

Reviews of the jazz album "You":

Compositeur, parolier, chanteur, MBA sortant de Harvard, carismatique et sympathique,   voilà l’ homme qu’ est FRANCESCO B.  Il est pour moi une énigme, capable d’écrire une symphonie , une musique de film et des mélodies de Jazz notamment « CLOSER » qui est surement le titre qui deviendra un grand standard de Jazz.


J ai écoute son CD « YOU » avec autant de plaisir que lorsque j ai accompagné avec mon BIG BAND certains parmi les plus grands musiciens et chanteuses de Jazz  actuels


Bon vent, »YOU »




Chef d’orchestre et musicien de Jazz        


8 Juillet 2016  

Composer, songwriter, singer, MBA from Harvard, charismatic and outgoing, that is the man, FRANCESCO B. He is for me an enigma, capable of writing a symphony, a film music as well as Jazz melodies, notably "CLOSER" which is a song likely to become a great Jazz classic.


I listened to his CXD "YOU" with as much pleasure as when I was accompanying with my BIG BAND some of today's greatest musicians and Jazz singers.


All the best to "YOU"



Orchestra conductor and jazz musician


8 July 2016 

(Translated by myself)

From Ulf Ekberg (picture), founder of famous Swedish pop group ACE OF BASS who sold over 30 million albums:


"Francesco B's natural talent allows him to move from classical symphonic to jazz or other genres with his own music as an amazing composer, songwriter, singer and performer"

Ho avuto il piacere di conoscere il...Dottore? No, Il Maestro! Oppure Il finanziere, l'artista...trovo questa apparente schizofrenia esistenziale un elemento particolarmente interessante.

Molti grandi artisti del passato hanno cominciato la loro attività musicale ancora impegnati in dimensioni completamente differenti. E spesso hanno convissuto con entrambe: scrittori, pittori, musicisti...membri dell'esercito, doganieri...assicuratori! Questi sono famosi esempi del passato, ma chissà ancora oggi quanti ne esistono. Bongiovanni ne è uno. La partitura che ho avuto il piacere di dirigere, “Prince” anche dal punto di vista della Professionalità è impeccabile. “Prince” è un brano pieno di amore, di fantasia, di gioia che con grande intelligenza riesce a fondere sapienti citazioni in una unità coerente: con una grande e spontanea linea melodica.

Aspettiamo il Maestro Bongiovanni adesso, alle prese con nuove imprese di più ampio respiro e lo vedremo quindi affrontare anche il problema delle grandi forme? Sarà certamente una grande sfida,  ma Maestro non si senta obbligato. Non è obbligatoria la grande struttura, spesso brevi pensieri, inafferabili affreschi o fantasiose e brevi melodie possono avere la stessa valenza.

A presto e auguri Maestro!

From Maestro Gianluigi Gelmetti

Conductor, Artistic and Musical Director of the Orchestre Symphonique de Monaco..

I have had the pleasure to know...the Dr? No, the Maestro! Or maybe the businessman...I find this apparent existential schizofrenia a particularly interesting point.

Many great artists of the past started their musical activities while still busy in totally different dimensions. And they often lived with bopth: writers, painters, musicians...soldiers, custom officers...insurers! These are famous examples from the past, and who knows how many exist today. Bongiovanni is one of them. His music score I had the pleasure to conduct, "Prince" is impeccable, also from the standpoint of Professionalism. "Prince" is a piece full of love, fantasy, joy which manages to merge important ideas into a coherent unit: with a great and spontaneous melodic line.

We are now expecting Maestro Bongiovanni engaged in even greater endeavours and might we see him tackling the issue of large musical forms? It will certainly be a great challenge, but Maestro, don't feel obliged. Large structures are not a must, and often brief thoughts, unseizable frescos or brief melodies full of fantasy can have the same value.

So long and all the best, Maestro!

(Translated by myself)

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